Can’t sleep? Take a hike. Problem solved.
24 hours of daylight definitely has its advantages, I thought as I tied the lace of my tramping boot. The weather was chilly and a layer of fog was settling in. I ducked into the firehouse, picked up a vhf radio, zipped my down jacket and pulled my beanie down further over my ears. The wind made its presence noted as I hiked my way up Observation Hill. I reached the summit in one piece, and was shocked to find there wasn’t a breath of wind. Was I in the eye of a storm?
The view replicated a National Geographic magazine shot; one where the mountaineer looks out into a landscape of low cloud with mountain peaks breaking through. I felt the solitude.
I snapped a few photos and then with a smile on my dial hiked back down into my bed. No need for counting sheep this time. I was out like a light. 5am.
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