Weather: -12.c, wind chill -34.c
Yet another pearler day in paradise.
I woke up to a funky tune playing over the p.a at the firehouse this morning. Last week we had a cracker of a song which lyrics were "i wish i could be in antarctica'
Off duty today so off to the gym i headed to play Lance Armstrong, and ride the bike for an hour. They have a bunch of super flash stationary bikes here called spinners, they look just like road bikes. I felt like i was in zee "tour de antarctica"
I grabbed an early lunch today, then Chris (firefighter) and i jumped into the kitchen and volunteered to lend a hand. The D.A's (dinning assistants) work SUPER hard here in such an unrespected job. We were on dish washing duty, 1200 mouths creates a lot of dishes! that's the best work out ever.....Lance if you're listening.....
Scott, heath, zach and i are heading out hiking at 3pm, doing a loop track which passes one of scott's huts. Then after dinner a bunch of us are hitting the bowling alley. yes you did hear right! Antarctica has it's own bowling alley. It's full of character and there's even a dude at the end of the alley who's job it is to re-stack the pins. He's called a pinsetter. Retro style. I like it.