Weather: -11.c, wind chill -24.c
Volleyball in neg -28.c anyone?
They breed them tough down here.
So a bunch of us gathered together to knock a ball around for a couple of hours last night, actually i can't kid no more, we were in a heated gymnasium! but it was a blast.
Back on shift again this morning at 7.45am. I'm on engine one today, the big burly yellow machine. I love riding on these american beasts.
The day has flown by with all the training, building inspections, hydrant testing, and most importantly eating a real american cheeseburger for lunch.
Now for some housekeeping. Our shift system here runs 24hrs on 24 off, with shift change at 7.45am each day. I have what they call a kelly day once every fortnight giving me 3 consecutive days off (that's on fridays). At station one, situated in Mctown are two engines (yellow fire trucks), two abulances, and what they call a tanker which holds an unbelievable 3700 gallons of water, a rescue vehicle and a "scat" passenger people mover. Down on station 2 which is located on the sea ice runway, we have 3 rescue 550 vehicles on mat tracks, and one mighty big beast called R1 which has an agent capacity of 1000 gallons. She has personality.
Sweet as.