I can't believe I forgot to mention. I won one of the cards at bingo. Super stoked.
It is important to note that earlier this evening I had been out trick or treating with friends. I was still wearing my crazy bit's and pieces costume. So, jumping up and down with excitement I headed to the front of the bar to claim my prize. Everyone was cheering "yeah lizzie" then keish, the presenter shouted "oh it's Lizzie's birthday" to which then everyone in the room errupted in singing happy birthday to me. After turning strawberry red I realised I still had a "it's my birthday" hat on. D'oh. Oh well a birthday at home and a birthday in Antarctica sounds pretty good!
I won a scott base cap and some possume gloves - rather ironic, but ever grateful.
As I mentioned above a group of friends and I hit the dorms trick or treating. I was loaded with toilet paper, just waiting for someone to refuse giving up there prized candy......but to no avail. Everyone was more than forth-coming.
Dowering into our goodies bag at the end of the night revealed;
16 x pieces of candy
1 x shampoo bottle
12 x cans of beer
1 x cigar
1 x tampon
1 x firefighting quiz sheet
$2 in numerous coins
6 x crystals from texas
1 x cupcake
1 x gadget for opening boxes
1 x used shaver
and numerous shots along the way