Happy almost New Year's eve. As you may have guessed we seem to celebrate holidays before they actually happen. Thanks Giving was early, Christmas dinner was on the 24th, New Years on the 30th. But alas, it's still a blast.
It's tradition. Every year Antarctica turns on the snow, the residents cook up some chilli, and skewer birds dance to the live outdoor music. Now that's a sentence I didn’t think I’d ever say.
Ice stock is a big outdoor festival held for New Years. A stage is erected and bands play continuously throughout the day. Every department is given a milvan to decorate and cook chilli in. We named ours BACKDRAFTER.
It was chilli heaven. A type to suit even the fussiest of chilli eaters. Vegetarian, venison, mince, chunky to finely chopped. You name it, we had it, and to wash down the chilli, the carpentry guys provided coffee in their SAWBUCKS milvan.
The sounds were incredible. There are some super talented musicians out here. The snow joined in for the festivities and it dumped down on us the entire time. It was awesome. It really added to the whole occasion "authentic antarctica".
What an unforgettable new years. Friends together dressed warmly from tip to toe, bearing smiles and bouncing up and down to the music, as snowflakes drop into their mug of hot chilli.