Weather: -12.c, wind chill -24.c
On duty today.
At 8am we have shift change over in the firehouse. Both crews gather together in the engine bay to share news about what happened during shift. This morning one of the boys pulled out a rugby ball that he'd bought from Scott base. Cracker! We started passing and kicking the ball around......hang on.......this is weird......Now i'm standing here with a bunch of super fit sporty men, yet none of them have any idea how to pass the thing! and hang on, now they're all asking me to teach them how to drop kick a rugby ball?
Now that's a first!
Speaking of rugby, I’ve got training on Sunday afternoon for "the big game". McMurdo versus Scott base. The stubby shorts are replaced with winter long johns and mittens, and the rugby field is marked out on ice.
They breed them tough in Antarctica.
This year the game is going into the Guinness Book of Records, as the most southern game of rugby played. They are flying in a GBR official and a professional referee. In the fifty years of this traditional meet the Americans have yet to win. Many say though that this is the year......."we have two ring ins" "chippy and lizzie".
Work was great. I learnt a lot today. We had medical training and saved victims using backboards and duck tape.
We even had snow today. Little iddy biddy flakes. But it was still snow.
The first of the season.
Food. I’m missing the kiwi favourites. I’ve pulled out the vegemite at breakfast many times. The American aren’t convinced.
The other day I was sitting through an aircraft training lecture, tummy rumbling, absolutely starving for lunch when I get this page.....
"I’m eating a pineapple lump for you now......opps and another......and another......okay just one more"
I hope you’re sending down as many as you’re eating Elayne.
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