Saturday was filled with scenario training before heading back to McMurdo for dinner. I have to say, my shower, that’s the best one I’ve had in my life.
Halloween is tonight. I learnt from my training in Salt Lake City that this is the favourite party down here. I also learnt that they have 240,000 cans of CD (New Zealand’s worst beer) to get rid of. At $1 per beer I’m sure they’ll get rid of a few.
I dressed as an All black. I wore my black NZ tee, taped my head with electrical tape, wore my all black boxer shorts, had an NZ stubby holder and carried around a rugby ball. What a great night, some people had some absolutely incredible costumes. I’m sure halve of the weight on the plane down must’ve been taken up by these.
I returned from the party at 3am to find my all my bedding covered in Pepsi. I had taken a can out to happy camper; from my experience I know it’s nice to have a sweet drink after a day outside. Unfortunately I forgotten to drink it and in my rush to the party had just thrown everything on my bed. Now the can had come from the “freezer” so to speak to the nice comforting beach-like temperature of my room. Needless to say, a mess had formed.
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