Weather: -17.c, wind chill -38.c
I woke up this morning out at station two to condition 2 weather. The weather here is messured on three different scales, condition 3 is a fine day, condition 2 is low visibility, and wind and condition 1 is very bad visibility and wind exceeding 55 knots. If the weather is condition 2 and more bad weather is forecasted, you have 20 minutes to move yourself back to mcmurdo base otherwise if it turns into condition 1 it's hammer down the hatches and stay where you are. No one is allowed to be outside in condition 1.
I had a lot of fun staying out at station 2, i took a bunch of photos and midnight looking back into mcmurdo. The light is very dim here in the evening. The last sunset is October 23, which will mean the sun from then will continue to stay above the horizon.
This evening a bunch of us were preparing to go to Scott Base, as thursday night is american night (an invitation to visit scott base bar) but unfortunately due to the weather (being condition 2) no recreational travel was allowed......but no worries i was just eexcited to play indoor soccer instead. We had about 8 players and it was a huge lot of fun, i even scored a goal!
Kareoke (or however you spell that word!) was calling at the bar, and my roomy keri dedicated a song to me! brilliant. Tonight i had my first speight, well actually first beer! since arriving last friday.
Chris and i headed out around midnight to take some photos of the sunset and the narcuis clouds.
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