Sunday, December 30, 2007

GOLD, SILVER & BRONZE - thursday 27 december

I watched intently as the official hit the reset button on his stopwatch. My mind travelled back to my days of training, I was outside come rain or shine, will it pay off? I looked around at my competition; I can do this, I thought as I took my socks off. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"Kiwi, are you ready?" I heard, bringing me back to reality. This is it, do or die time.


I could feel the intense coldness of the snow penetrate through my bare feet. As I rounded the last corner of the building I could hear screams of encouragement as I made my way back inside to the finish line. 11 seconds. "Yeah kiwi"

Welcome to station 2 Olympics.

After completion of the barefoot run around station 2 we moved onto the other events.

DIZZY DARTS - being spun around 3 times then trying to hit the dartboard

TABLE BOULDERING - Starting on top of the table and successfully working your way around and underneath it.

HOLDING YOUR BREATH - well, it's self-explanatory

PAPER BAG LIMBO - Stand on one leg, bend down and pick up the bag with your mouth. It gets shorter and shorter (harder than it sounds)

KIWI COPYING - Who can do the best kiwi impersonation

Needless to say we had a lot of fun! I represented New Zealand well, obtaining a few medals.

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